How much can your book profit?

What's the Right Path for Your Book?

Are you overwhelmed with publishing questions?

• Are you trying to decide which route is the right type of publishing for your book? Traditional? Self-Publishing? Ebooks?

• Have you visited websites promising success, but wondered if their claims were honest and true?

• Are you unsure if you should hold out for an agent and a traditional publishing contract?

• Is true that all you need to do is just upload your manuscript for an instant ebook and success?

• Do you find it difficult to sort out the best knowledgable path for you when all the voices around you are offering different information?

• Are you sure you understand the different costs and potential profits involved depending on which path you choose?

This free, 78-page ebook was written just for you.

Making the right publishing choice can mean sales for your book and dollars in your pocket. The wrong choice may not only cost you hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars, it can cost you the rights to your own book.

I’ve been there. I listened to the voices. My second book netted me $500. After publication, I never saw another dollar for that book. After all my hard work, I had little to show for my effort. The book died out there somewhere, its fate out of my hands.

I’ve also relished in the rewards and freedoms offered from a different path. . . but one single path isn’t right for everybody.


Which path is right for you and your book?

How to Profit in Publishing is a free resource written as a means to really understand what’s involved in the costs and potential profits of publishing — no matter which route you choose. This book is not fluff designed to upsell you to something else, this is a deeply researched, detailed look at each type of publishing, some of its pros and cons, and a means of understanding what’s in it for you. I wrote it for friends and clients so they could decide for themselves the most profitable route for their book.

The best way to use this book is to start by answering the questions and filling in the included form for the type of publishing you feel is right for your book. Read the included facts and numbers and see if it adds up to your expectations. Then choose another type of publishing and compare. Which is better? Which is worse? Which one offers the most beneficial path for you?

In addition, you’ll find additional questionnaires, fact-finding, and resources, you can use to make a knowledgeable, profitable decision for your book—and each book you write may be different!

Ready to learn more? Download your free copy today.

Read How to Profit in Publishing today, before you take any action on publishing your book. Find out now, before you make a costly mistake with the wrong provider. Learn the facts of costs and profits before you sign on the dotted line or before you upload your book to a company full of promises they can never fulfill.

What you learn from these materials can put hundreds if not thousands of dollars in your pocket and create a more successful route for your book. Once published, will your book offer fame? Fortune? Entertainment or knowledge to readers? Give your book the best possible chance of success by choosing the right publishing path for your book.

Note that when you sign up for this free ebook (pdf), there is no follow up newsletter. I do not offer this material as a means to sell you anything. I do not ever sell my lists or send spam. I hate that as much as you. I have been in the publishing and design business for over thirty years. I've seen countless authors bilked and short-changed after pouring their heart into their book. I offer this book as a long-time author’s advocate to help educate and protect authors from myths, mistaken perceptions, over-priced services, and scams. What you learn from this guide can help propel your book toward success.

If there is no newsletter, no follow-up emails, no sales talk, why do I ask you to sign up? This allows me to protect my materials and to take notice of how many people are visiting my site. Feel free to unsubscribe at any time. 

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by filling in your name and email and clicking the download button.