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About Loloa

Get ready for an adventure with Monica and her adorable floppy-eared friend, Loloa! Join them as they face challenges, share giggles and tears, and discover the bond that makes them family. From tricky twists to happy turns, this story is all about friendship, courage, and the joy of having a furry best friend. Get ready to smile, laugh, and cheer for Monica and Mu'olo in their fantastic journey together!

What Age Range is Loloa for?

I have created this book for kids around the ages of 8 through 11. The journey, struggles, and excitement are best related to those at a similar time in their lives as Monica. I hope that anyone reading Loloa resonates with their journey.  

What are the themes behind Loloa?

The themes woven into Loloa focus on how the seemingly impossible love of a puppy can lead to happiness. The story revolves around the notion that love and companionship, even in unexpected or unconventional forms, can bring joy and fulfillment.

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