Hello my friend. I'm excited you are here!

Are you looking to tap into a deeper connection with yourself and get a moment for yourself, work through the chaos in your head, gain stress relief and even cultivate self-love? Over the course of 7 days, I will guide you through daily journal prompts focused on gratitude, self-love, emotions, future vision, and self-appreciation.

Journaling allows you to create harmony when your world feels like chaos. It makes you centered when there is disruption. It nurtures you from within.

Each day, you'll receive an email with new journal prompts to inspire and motivate you to take action towards achieving your goals.

It’ll be perfect for you if you are

  • Yearning to connect deeper with yourself and dedicate time for yourself daily.
  • Gain stress relief by putting your thoughts and emotions on paper.
  • Eager to tune more into self-care.
  • Looking to start journaling but don’t know what to write about. This challenge will give you plenty of ideas and you can keep the ones that resonate with you the most.
  • Already journaling but you are looking for a more intensive practice for a short period of time.

Inner Compass is suitable for anyone looking to kickstart or enhance their journaling practice. 

  • Beginners: Those new to journaling can use the challenge as a structured introduction.
  • Advanced: If you are a more seasoned writer, this challenge will get you deeper into reflection and open up new insights and thoughts that have stayed hidden.
  • Anyone Seeking Reflection: Whether you're going through a transition, facing challenges, or simply want to enhance self-reflection, a 7-day challenge provides a dedicated time for this purpose.

By the end of this challenge, you'll have a deeper understanding of yourself and awareness around what gets to shift for you in order to create a more fulfilling and meaningful life that looks like YOU.

Sign up now and join me on this journey towards self-discovery and personal growth!

Join Inner Compass - the 7 day journaling challenge below!